Engineer: Webelos Elective
This adventure is an elective adventure which can be used to earn the Webelos and Arrow of Light Badges. Complete at least Requirements 1 and 2. Requirements 3 and 4 are optional. 1. Pick one type of engineer. With the help of the Internet, your local library, or an engineer, discover three things that describe what that engineer does. (To use the Internet, be sure that you have a current Cyber Chip or that you have permission from your Webelos den leader, parent, or guardian.) Share your findings with your Webelos den. (9/15/2017) 2. Learn to follow engineering design principles by doing the following: (a) Examine a set of blueprints or specifications. Using these as a model, prepare your own set of blueprints or specifications to design a project. (9/15/2017) I had the opportunity to visit a new community getting built by Lennar homes. They gave me a folder with the floor plans for the different homes that they were selling. My home is built ...