Maestro: Webelos Adventure

Webelos-AoL Elective Adventure: Maestro!

This adventure is an elective adventure which can be used to earn the Webelos and Arrow of Light Badges.

To earn this pin you have to complete requirements 1 and 2.

I decided to attend a live musical performance with Ernie Bradley and Grassy Ridge (Bluegrass) in Columbia, MD on July 8, 2017. It was free and was held at the Lakefront right next my grandma's favorite store- Whole Foods.

You can find a schedule with all of the free events here.

For requirement #2 I decided to make a musical instrument on July 7, 2017. I made a tambourine out of duct tape, recycled container, and bells from the dollar store. You can use beads, rice, or beans instead of the bells.


Here's a video of me showing you how to make a tambourine and playing a song.

My second choice was to play two tunes: "A Mozart Melody" and "Au Claire de la Lune" on the xylophone (bells)  on July 7, 2017.  I'm glad I was able to pick this one because I needed to practice sight reading this summer. I was nervous making these videos but hopefully they will help someone! Check out my videos below:

Webelos-AoL Elective Adventure: Maestro!

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