Stronger, Faster, Higher: Webelos Adventure

This adventure is required to earn the Webelos Badge.

In this adventure, you have to complete requirements 1-3 and at least one other.

1. Understand and explain why you should warm up before exercising and cool down afterward. (6/05/2017)

Demonstrate the proper way to warm up and cool down. I always warm up and cool down during swim meets. I usually get to the swim meets an hour before the meet starts. I will warm up with my teammates and with my coaches help. After my events, I will cool down by talking a walk and stretching. (6/17/2017)

Do these activities and record your results: (6/7/2017)

f. Jumping Rope: 14 times

3. Make an exercise plan that includes at least three physical activities. I used the plan that was in the Webelos Handbook. I made a chart and kept track of my results. After I started I wanted to change it to swimming. But I am happy that I didn't because I don't get to swim the same events each week and for this exercise plan you have to do at least 3 activities each week. They should be the same to you can compare your results.

Progress: I think I did better from week 1 to week 4. I had to practice some of the things like jump rope to get better. I kept messing up but when I practiced I started to get use to it. I was surprised to see that I improved on everything. Even on the sit ups!

4. Try a new sport you never tried before. I tried baseball for the first time. I always watch baseball but it was the first time that I had the chance to play in an actual game. It was fun and I asked my dad if we could do it again so he bought me a ball, bat and glove. (5/21/2017)


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